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A Poem a Day into the Millennium
24 November 1999


The rabbit eats the grasses
The coyote eats the rabbit
The black birds eat the coyote's flesh
after the bullets fall.
Everything feeds on everything else.
So, what feeds on us?

What feeds on all the variety
the multiplicity of us?
Are we dishes to choose from?
Are some tastier than others?
Are some sweeter
some tart
some bitter
others beatific
some well done
some still raw
some just right for the having?

We live in a garden
growing with everything else
rows of slender succulent roots
clumps of heady seasonings
some exotic
some essential
And there are cats in the garden
chasing golden grasshoppers
that clack in flight.

There is sun
bright white and warm
in the November sky
There is the breath
the sigh of airs that feed
the garden
and the garden feeds the airs.

Overhead blue sky lingers
while clouds feather the blue dome
with plumes of thin
that embrace us as they fan out
from the west horizon.
There is balance
in this moment
here in the garden.

Somewhere else
in a far distant burrow
one creature
some say suckled on madness
some say suckled on devotion
runs rampant
and neighboring creatures
call out
Help us
Defend us
from the madman
from the devotion.

A meal is being served up
in that part of the garden
A feast of blood
And now
the menu enlarges
as  bombs, bullets, and gases
There is power
There is random chaos
Is it part of
The rabbit eats the grasses
The coyote eats the rabbit
The  black birds eat the coyote's flesh
after the bullets fall
Everything feeds on everything else?

Whose appetites demand
the taste of war
the charred meat
the shredded flesh
the hearts and brains?
For the satisfaction of whose palate
is the sacrifice made
Loss of life in the garden
is sacrifice
A gift
upon the altar
of those who feed on us
The rabbit eats the grasses
The coyote eats the rabbit
The black birds eat the coyote's flesh
after the bullets fall.

- Pamela Patrick

image of stork.to Pamela's page.....to archives..image of stork

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